Tuesday, September 1, 2009

1st Day of Kindergarten...

Ok, so our day begins with a fun breakfast full of Em's favorite; pancakes and chocolate milk. She was so excited about going off to school she kept asking, "Is it time? Do I go yet mommy?" I had to just laugh at her. I thought to myself, "This isn't going to be so hard. The kids been in pre-k the last 2 years and those were just a few hours a few days a week, how hard can sending her off to Kindergarten be, really? It's about the same thing, right?" Yah, little did I know what awaited me at school. We get to school and Em immediately gets into line behind the rest of her class as "photography mom" goes NUTSO taking pix. I was doing great, no tears, so strong. Then, Em's teacher (Miss McGary) says to the kids, "Ok, boys and girls, say good-bye to mommy and daddy because you won't be seeing them for quite a few hours." That was it, I lost it. Tears were streaming as I turned and walked towards my car. I passed a few mothers who were apparently feeling the same thing. (Luckily I had my sunglasses on, otherwise I'd REALLY be embarrasing myself with black cat eyes). The whole way home I was just crying and thinking "How in the world did my mom do this? Now I totally know how all my friends who have older kids felt sending off their first to school." To top it all off, I don't know how I'm going to do when she actually starts FULL day next year. (One step at a time, right?)... Anyhow, needless to say, when Em got home from school that day she was so thrilled that as soon as she hit the door she was playing make believe Kindergarten Teacher, mommy, and child with Lilly and I (Em being the mommy, Lilly being the child going to kindergarten and me being the teacher). It was so cute and I was so glad she had a great first day...
Lilly would have missed her sister even more had she not had nap time while Emma was away (thank goodness for aftnernoon kindergarten)...

She's off to her first day of school... STOP!!!Waiting in line with her classmates. How fast time goes...

I didn't get a pix with her teacher quite yet as she seemed to busy with other parents and teachers when I got there. This was when they were getting ready to walk inside.