Thursday, January 29, 2009

Watch what you say...

So I was cooking dinner and Emma was playing make believe with her "My Little Ponies"... It wasn't but a few minutes into her little drama speel that all of a sudden both Nate and I heard these words come rushing out of her mouth, "I'm gonna kick your butt..." I cocked my head and looked at Nate just as he did the same. With half concerned grins we both turned and faced Emma where she was completely oblivious to us staring at her.
ME: Emma, what did you just say?
EMMA: What?
NATE: Did you just say "I'm gonna kick your butt?"
EMMA: Oh.. (in between giggles) I was just kidding, I'm playing with "My Little Ponies".
NATE: Sweetie, did you hear someone say that? That's not very nice, even if you are playing with your toys...
EMMA: But mommy says it all the time to Lilly.
You can just imagine the grin on my face (not shown to Emma, but more to Nate) of embarrassment as I turned and continued to stir the contents in my pot. I had to try really hard to stiffle the giggle that wanted to emerge from my mouth at that instant. Nate just nodded his head and said, "It sounds like mommy needs to watch what she's saying, huh Emma?"
EMMA: Yeah!! (with a slight laugh)...
Lesson learned, my daughter is listening more intently than I can only imagine... It BEGINS!!


Heidi said...


Rachael said...

That is funny! I use to tell Eli when he would make me laugh...oh Eli you are killing me. Then one day he said...mommy, I kill you....NICE! So I had to stop saying that phrase!

The Francis Family said...

I have to worst mouth. If that's all your kids pick up from you, you're doing alright. I need this as a reminder to watch it more carefully thanks.

Nicole said...

That is hilarious. I hope you don't mind me peeking I love the blogging world and was so excited when I found some of my cousins blogs to look at. I added you to my list but if you don't want me to let me know and I'll take it off. Feel free to view mine any time too.

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope she doesn't learn anything else from her mommy! jk!!!

Lisa said...

I love it!! This has happened to me all to often. Kids don't miss a thing.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Too funny! These kids are little sponges and I have to stop myself all the time from saying the wrong things! How are you guys? How's the pregnancy? Any more name ideas?

lish and toby said...

No doubt!! Toby and I can hardly talk at all! We have to save everything up until they are fast asleep. Alisha has been "caught" only a few times. They won't let me get away with anything! It is embarrassing, but at least I know they are listening. no more excuses for not picking up your room!

Amy said...

Been there! It's so hard to realize that you say things you don't want your kids to say! Your girls are so grown up! We ate at El Matador last night, and for a second I thought I might bump into you! Hope you're lovin' St. George.

Brigette-boo said...

That is funny! You gotta love it when you hear your own words and they don't sound so great.