Nate and I have been married for just over 6 years now. We have added another beautiful healthy little girl to the crew. We live in Washington, UT where Nate is finishing his Electrical Licensing. Life has blessed us richly and are always greatful to our Heavenly Father for the many friends and family he has brought to enrich our lives.
Best friends are we; My sisters & me!!
Little Miss Sunshine
Emma (5) is an amazing big sister to her little sisters as well as a SUPER BIG helper to her mommy & daddy. Emma loves dancing, singing, playing & using her imagination over & over again. She is such a social butterfly & is excited to have started Kindergarten this year.
Our little Curious George
Our lovely little Lu-lu, oh so curious at the age of 2. Lilly loves keeping her mommy on her toes as well as copying anything her older sister's imagination might take part in. She adores her new baby sister & is always wanting to hold her. She especially loves waking up in the mornings & snuggling with mommy. We can't help but just love & adore her.
Our new bundle of Joy...
As sweet and patient as her oldest sister was when she was a babe, Alice has not only entered our lives but our hearts with how sweet & patient she is with esp. her two older sisters hoarding her attention. She loves sleeping, eating, sleeping & eating some more. When she's awake she is so alert & soaks in all of her surroundings. She is sucha good baby (now to work on sleeping modes).
For the 4th of July, we (minus Emma; she is still in Cali w/ Nana and Papa & the boys) decided to spend it down in Arizona (crazy I know... what with how HOT it is down there). We went and spent the weekend with my bro & his fam. It was a ton of fun. We left Thursday and stopped at a historic Navajo Bridge along the way... it was overcast that day and thus made for GORGEOUS pix taking along the way. It made me think of how grateful I am to live in such a beautiful country and the freedoms I have that most don't.
Lilly & cousin Claire had a great time cooling off in the backyard in their blowup pool. As did the rest of them once they saw what the two mischief makers were doing...
The kids enjoyed spending 4th of July at a park where they provided free water rides for everyone to cool off in (what a novel idea!!). The kids enjoyed just a few rides as the lines were SUPER long (did I mention it was free?). We later enjoyed food by the carside as we watched the parks fireworks show. The kids enjoyed it (Lilly & Claire had to get used to it from the safety of the car and Morgon and Mae-Mae had to cover their ears at first (thinking it was going to be TOO loud). (I didn't get a pix, but Morgon ended up falling asleep during half of it, it was too funny). Claire & Morgon were the only ones really to get into the free water rides... Of course, they all got into a little mudhole (below)...And of course little Ali & her cousin Gi-gi enjoyed relaxing in the stroller. (Bonnie and I went shopping Friday and I had our double stroller with the 2 babes in it; people thought I was toting around twins (yah right!!)...Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!
SO CUTE. I love Lilly's dress :)
Totally not fair how great you look after having a baby! Glad you had a good time.
it's kinda fun to visit your siblings now that they're grown and have their own kids
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