Thursday, April 9, 2009

Driving on the Road...

So I was checking my email today and I received this from someone who was obviously upset with whatever driving I had succumbed to yesturday...

"I wouldn't buy from you because you are your own worst advertising. Maybe if you were a little more respectful on the road it would help your business and not hurt it. Just a thought from a fellow driver who watched you drive with little respect for others today."

What do you say to that? Do you say anything at all?
Part of me wants to lash out and ask, "Who are you to tell me how to drive? Are you so perfect as to feel you have the right to mis-judge someone else by the way you think the WORLD should be driving? Just because you were able to use my business website and lash out at me the way you did, does it make you feel better?"
But then part of me just says let it go, you know what kind of a driver you are and you don't remember doing anything as wreckless as this person claims you did, let it go (oh, wait, that's not part of my conscience saying that, that would be my husband telling me to just let things go...).
Please, someone, make some sense of this for me!!! How rude can people get these days?
(BTW, those of you who check this and knew me back in high school... I'm a MUCH better driver these days than I was back then, so please, be nice.)


The Neff Family said...

Sweetheart! You are too funny! The e-mail had nothing to do with you. The person who sent it has way too much time on their hands and not enough love in their lives. Lucky for you, you have the opposite problem. Don't think about it anymore. I love you tons!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the Neff Family comments. Not enough compassion. I am wondering if they have small children in their vehicle?

Matt and Jen said...

I totally don't understand people! It doesn't make anything better when you are rude to someone. Gosh now I want to lash out at that person for you! I am sorry you had to deal with that. You are a much better person than I am!

Becky said...

I agree with the f irst comment. First of all I am one to tell it like it is, and second of all, I expect people to do the same. Yes, my feelings might get a little hurt, but at least I know how they feel. That person had TOO MUCH TIME, and maybe THEY were the person you accidentally cut off. All I know is that God alone will judge me. That gives me comfort when people in Utah are flipping me off all day on the road!

Brigette-boo said...

this actually made me laugh... I thought about how you wrote it and I could picture myself getting all worked up about something like this...your right, too much time and judgment on their hands. your wonderful, you know it.

Heidi said...

DON'T ANSWER THAT EMAIL!! I've made the mistake of getting all riled up and taking it out on someone through email. I don't recommend it because although that person is obviously the one with the problem, you don't want to stoop down to their level. It will just make you look as foolish.

I sure hope you don't drive like you did in high school. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Don't even think twice about it. You are a great driver. Some people just get angry and feel the need to lash out. You probably just cut her off her something and pissed her off. Just keep driving your best and shrug it off.

Honor said...

People who take the time to write pointless little notes like this just to make someone else feel bad are the same types of people who get pissy with a waiter or waitress who is obviously having a bad day to begin with and still demands the best service ever. I wish people would cut each other more slack.

“Perhaps the greatest charity comes when we are kind to each other, when we don’t judge or categorize someone else, when we simply give each other the benefit of the doubt or remain quiet. Charity is accepting someone’s differences, weaknesses, and shortcomings; having patience with someone who has let us down; or resisting the impulse to become offended when someone doesn’t handle something the way we might have hoped." Elder Marvin J. Ashton

So WHAT NOW Note Writer, huh?! Oh wait, that's not very charitable either. I've still got lots to learn... Love and miss you guys!

Mark H. said...

You should put a big NRA bumper sticker within sight of your business contact info...that just might send the message you want. Just a thought. How are you guys, I like your "water park" pictures we should bring the boys up to splash around some time. blog at you later,