Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Farm Adventures!!

Considering there is only 1 pumpkin farm here in St. George and surrounding areas, it really wasn't as crowded as we had anticipated. The girls had a blast with all the different activities they had going on at the farm; especially being able to pick out their own pumpkin to take home and carve... It was a fun day at the farm!!


Anonymous said...

Your girls are ADORABLE! They look so cute in their matching pumpkin outfits. You've motivated me to get my kids to the pumpkin patch this year. Things have been so crazy lately that it never even crossed my mind. You are the best Mom ever!

Honor said...

Trust Lilly to go for the pumpkin as big as she is! What a strong little Sassafras!
So today, Jere said "holy crap" in front of Grant and he copied him. So Jere tried to say "holy moly" instead and Grant heard the "ly" and his thought process totally dropped and he goes, "Lilly?". So cute! If it's possible that 2 year olds can miss each other, he SO does!

Heidi said...

LOVE the outfits! I need a little girl to dress up!!

lish and toby said...

Did you make those adorable matching outfits? I love the ruffles on the jeans. I bet they had fun just getting all dressed up to go!

Rachel H. said...

Hey BJ,
I found you through Kaysea's blog. Your girls are adorable! Sounds like things are settling down for you for now. I miss our scrapbooking times here in Vegas, I never get any scrapping done anymore. Anyhow, glad you are doing well! Hope over to my blog and check in on us as well.

Matt and Jen said...

You girls are so sweet! I love those shoes! Where did you get those? I won't be in Utah for Thanksgiving this year, but Matt will. Is this the year all the Dials get together for Thanksgiving? If you will be there at the Christmas party, both Matt and I (AND HOPEFULLY KIDS!) will be there.

Brigette-boo said...

Hey! O.k so here is the deal, I don't usually go on face book unless I need to talk to some one who doesn't blog! So if you want to see whats going on with us... check it out at

Your girls are so cute! you do a much better jobs at keeping everything together then I do!

Amy said...

BJ! I do remember you guys! How fun to see your darling family again! Congrats on the baby..hope all goes well for you. Your little girls are SO CUTE! I love how you have your pictures on your blog. Is that a scrapbook program, or what do you use to do that?

Good to see hear from you!