Thursday, December 4, 2008

Guess who's knocking on May 10th?

I don't know what it is about baby feet but I just love seeing beautiful pix's of them. They make me want to just kiss and squeeze them. Thus, we of course are not only preparing for baby to be, but have an official date... We went in over Thanksgiving weekend and my doctor was able to tell both the due date as well as what to expect. I kept saying it was a girl hoping that would jinx it into making it a boy, but alas; you guessed it... another girl!! We are of course excited for either outcome (I being a little more nervous than Nate), but reassured none the less that it is going to be another fun filled adventure with whatever Heavenly Father sends our way. We are thrilled to add another sister to the brood and have been asking the girls what names they like (considering we are just fresh out of girl names). Any ideas, please throw them our way. We'll keep you posted as the date arrives!! Happy holidays to everyone!!


lish and toby said...

YAY!!!! I am so excited for your family! Three girls!! How fun! All the dressing up hair doing, princess wearing! Congrats you guys!

Rachael said...

How fun! 3 Girls!
At least names for girls are easier than for a boy! I don't know why-but it is! Good sister has an Elia (L-E-AH)

Melissa said...

Totally opposite of your family growing up-how funny. Your mom must be thrilled.

I am taken with these names lately: Maggie, Kimball, Quincy, True, Jane, Elise

You produce the most adorable girls, why not more?

Heidi said...

Or the name Heidi. There's always Heidi!

Anonymous said...

I love baby feet too! You'll come up with a great name I'm sure, but I agree with Melissa. For some reason I LOVE Jane too! Emma, Lilly and Jane sound so cute together! I also love Abigail, Claire, Sadie, Olivia and Cassidy. said...

I was glad to hear from you. Congratulations the news, how fun to have 3 girls. I hope all is well and the move has been going well. Kristin

Anonymous said...

Hey BJ! I need your new address! Email it or call me with it! Thanks!